Princeton University’s Erik Nook will introduce this screening and lead a Q&A after the film.
After her family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco, 11-year-old Riley’s emotions help her grapple with this change. Much of the action takes place within Riley’s head as personified Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust try to figure out the right balance within the young girl’s mind as she deals with the transition out of childhood while navigating a new environment. This deeply moving Pixar animated film features the voice talents of comedians Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, and more.
Erik Nook is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Princeton University and an Associated Faculty Member in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute. Erik directs the Logic of Emotion Laboratory, which seeks to advance understanding of human emotion using developmental, neuroscientific, and translational tools. Prior to his current position, Erik completed a PhD in clinical psychology at Harvard University, a predoctoral clinical internship at Weill Cornell Medical College, and a postdoctoral fellowship at Yale University.
Director Pete Docter, Ronnie Del Carmen
Cast Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Mindy Kaling
Country USA
Language English
Aspect 1.85